Hello Darkness…

Sometimes, it can be a very dark world out there and we all know this in some personal way. I am here to try and shed some light, to show that all is not lost…all is not dark…the world has not been tipped into oblivion just yet. 

This opening page showcases my conception of the worlds between and the struggle, not collectively but individually, that we all make between good and bad. Positive and negative. Light and dark. 

The Darkness is out there. It is coming. All we can do is prepare and welcome the inevitable.

A lighter side of literature is available through the top menu, under short stories, to which there are many.

An audio side to escapism is available free through the top menu as well, under music, to which there are many.

If the world was free, we would all be untethered and the unknown simply wouldn’t be so scary. But we aren’t and the world isn’t this way. Until it is, find a piece of my imagination and let it free you, even for a little bit.

   Thank you—C. S. Jones